Monday, January 26, 2015

Greeks are Not so Different from Us (Thoughts on the Next 5 Pages of Classical Rhetoric Now)

You always hear about the intellectual Greeks and how "before their time" they were. Thus, I was surprised to learn that they didn't think of women as people. They believed women were not human enough to make decisions, but men were. It is astounding to me that such "wise" people could believe such a nonsensical thing. Women were meant to be the caretakers of the family and the house. This is exactly what everyone still believed (and continue to believe) up until fifty years ago when Betty Frieden let the cat out of the bag with her book, "The Feminine Mystique". She wrote about what every woman was thinking and what every man was obviously oblivious to. She wrote about the fact that women were not living meaningful lives; they were living as maids, bearers of children, and entirely dependent on their husband.

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